

This One Goes Up To 11: Top 11 Reasons NOT to Hire Write Now Indy

Every so often we need to take stock of our lives, taking a look at what’s working, what’s not. So in that spirit, I present the Top 11 Reasons why you shouldn’t hire me to help with your next writing project, ad & marketing campaign, or overall communications strategy.

(listed in no particular order)

1. You like using the same old, tired advertising jargon & vague messaging.

2. You’d rather pay a whole lot more to a big PR firm that looks at your business as just another account.

3. You’re not interested in generating free & positive media exposure.

4. You like playing it safe.

5. You’re afraid to try new things.

6. You don’t like authentic & conversational copy.

7. You like writing full of buzz words and cliches.

8. You’ve already embraced new social media & marketing techniques.

9. Your company is fully staffed & employees have plenty of time to take on new projects.

10. You have lots of time on your hands & would rather focus on writing copy yourself, instead of running your business.

11. You don’t need someone to make your life easier.

Chris Vanasdalan has spent more than a decade as a professional writer in both the PR World and the news biz. He’s written, reported and produced for newspaper, radio and TV outlets in Central PA, Pittsburgh and Indianapolis. He launched his own freelance copywriting and media consulting firm, called Write Now Indy, in 2010. He'd love to talk to you about generating free media exposure for your company of organization.

You can e-mail him at, find him on facebook, or follow him on Twitter.

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